Time Spiral - Theme Deck (Fun With Fungus)

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Set: Time Spiral Sealed
Release Date: 2006-10-06
Fun with Fungus is a black/green theme deck.
Fungus doesn't think or sleep—it just spreads and devours. The Fun with Fungus deck lets you take the reins of a post-apocalyptic rampage of Thallids, and these freaky fungus fiends won't take “Eeeeewww!” for an answer.
In the early going, play as many Thallids as possible so they can start building up spore counters. Waiting three turns for enough spore counters to make a single Saproling might seem slow, but when you have three or four Thallids budding at once, you'll soon have more creatures than you know what to do with.

Each Time Spiral - Theme Deck (Fun With Fungus) contains:

• 3 Deathspore Thallid
• 2 Thallid
• 2 Pendelhaven Elder
• 3 Thallid Shell-Dweller
• 1 Thelon of Havenwood
• 3 Thallid Germinator
• 1 Wormwood Dryad
• 2 Herd Gnarr
• 2 Sporesower Thallid
• 2 Savage Thallid
• 1 Feebleness
• 1 Assassinate
• 2 Fallen Ideal
• 2 Sudden Death
• 1 Dread Return
• 1 Might of Old Krosa
• 2 Sprout
• 2 Strength in Numbers
• 1 Krosan Grip
• 1 Verdant Embrace
• 1 Claws of Gix
• 10 Swamp
• 13 Forest
• 1 Pendelhaven

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